Burrington Estates Mayhew Gardens brochure

Burrington Estates

A chance encounter in a hotel when one of the founders was having coffee with an architect and we were having a cheeky catch up with our photographer, this led to working with Burrington Estates for several years. Note to self: hang out in hotels and eavesdrop on other people’s conversations more often! The relationship kicked-off with Burrington Estates when they were about to get their first two projects off the ground in Exeter – launching a high-end apartment development and the first ever luxury student accommodation scheme in the city. We project managed all of the marketing and PR associated with this, including media releases, VIP tours and all the glitz and glamour that comes with hosting a killer launch party. We were responsible for helping finish off all of the Verve (!) oh, and directing the film which helped launch Dean Clarke House (the high-end resi development). We created a sweet little brand, along with the usual gorgeous, luxury feeling brochure and our team also pulled together all of the copywriting for this too. High tempo and energetic, this set the scene for how we would work with the Burrington Estates crew over the coming years. Probably one of the biggest highlights (hard to whittle down as there’s been so many) has been helping them build their new homes brand presence across the South West.

The team have applied energy, passion and enthusiasm throughout the relationship and we really value their input, knowledge and advice as our PR and marketing partner. They are always coming up with great ideas and they apply their craft with intelligence and creativity, and importantly, they are great fun to work with.

Mark Edworthy

Burrington Estates