Circa 1924

One of our fave things is pushing the boundaries to promote our clients in new and exciting ways, and that is just what we did for Exeter restaurant Circa 1924. Taking unsuspecting commuters by storm, University of Exeter acapella group Semi Toned took to the trains with Attention Media hot on their heels to help generate a whole lot of buzz on social media.

We continue to be impressed by the prowess of Sarah and her team. We had a vision of what we wanted to achieve for our new restaurant launch, but with Attention Marketing’s help we have been able to drive this forward and have the customer demand to prove this. Our Christmas party bookings were beyond all our expectations, with over a 1,000 diners celebrating with us. Not only have Attention Marketing helped to generate increased regular footfall to our restaurant, they have helped us to host a series of themed events that not only brought in extra revenue, but gave us the opportunity to feature time and time again in local press.

Rob Weeks


Circa 1924